Client access to your Cloud Firestore database is expiring

warui kiondo
2 min readJun 12, 2024


To everyone who has started working with Flutterflow recently and they are using Firebase for their database, they have had this email sent to them (Client access to your Cloud Firestore database is expiring…).

A quick search online will guide you to amend the security rules, the problem is the security rules are in code and you want to steer as far away from the code as possible. Well, that is why you are using FlutterFlow in the first place.

With this in mind, you head to the FlutterFlow editor and explore around and bingo! There is a Firestore tab and there you find the settings.

On further exploration you bump into the section that allows you to edit the security rules and you breathe a sigh of relief, you have figured it out.

You just need to change the rules here from the default to something new and that should do it!

You do this and sign off the task from your to-do list.

One day later, you receive a notification, ‘Client access to your Cloud Firestore database expiring…’

WTF! You wonder what went wrong and wonder whether your new rules were saved, you confirm that indeed they were saved, so it is not that. You check online and no resource straightforwardly addresses this pain, well not until today!

What happened, was that your app is in test mode and the rules that you changed on the Firestore tab (in the FlutterFlow editor) are meant for when the app is in production mode, so they did not apply!

So here is how you go about fixing this.

In your Firebase open the project you are working on, in the Firestore tab check on the rules and delete the following segment of the code therein.

match /{document=**} {

allow read, write: if request.time <, 9, 6);


That should sort out your issue.

Have fun creating!

